YOU GEAUX, GIRL! Interning at Geaux Girl! Magazine


Interning at Geaux Girl! Magazine

By Zoe Seibert

During my second semester as an intern for Geaux Girl!, a local non-profit magazine created by and for New Orleans teen girls, I have had the privilege of engaging with the community through meaningful events, furthering my knowledge of running a non-profit, and acquiring new skills. In 2018, Heide Winston founded the magazine to combat the lack of sex education resources in New Orleans. Working for a magazine that focuses on comprehensive reproductive health information has been extremely impactful.

I have treasured all aspects of my internship, but my favorite moments have been shared with local students and teens. In January, many reproductive rights and health interns presented posters about their internship at “Conceiving Equity.” This public event was a unique opportunity to promote Geaux Girl!’s mission and connect with individuals at other internship sites. In March, Heide and I represented Geaux Girl! at Family Day at the New Orleans Book Festival. From seeing teachers express their admiration for Geaux Girl! to curious teenagers flipping through our recent issues, I loved having conversations with long-time fans of Geaux Girl! and those who were new to the magazine. Additionally, I enjoyed being a fly on the wall for a Teen Advisory Council meeting. These meetings are designed for the teens who guide the magazine’s content by offering their creative ideas and by submitting articles for publication.

Because this was my second semester with Geaux Girl!, many experiences felt full circle. For instance, one of my projects in the fall was organizing donor databases, including information on Give NOLA Day contributions. This semester, I gained a better understanding of the event and helped with building a successful campaign to encourage donations. Furthermore, I am incredibly thankful to the Geaux Girl! team, especially Heide Winston and Courtney Pellegrini. Courtney taught me the ins and outs of running the Geaux Girl! Instagram account and creating graphics on Canva. After crafting multiple posts, I have increased confidence in my social media and design skills. Interning at Geaux Girl! has been a personal highlight while attending Tulane, and I am excited to continue to be a part of the magazine’s inspiring work.