Summer Internship at Anonymous Content and Lost City Entertainment


Hi! My name is Aileen Harrison and I am a rising junior at Tulane University studying Marketing and Digital Media Productions with a minor in English.

I am from Orange County, California and after I graduate I hope to move back to Los Angeles and work in the entertainment industry, ideally someday becoming an Executive Producer or Show-runner for TV shows. This summer I will be interning for two companies: Anonymous Content and Lost City/MXN Entertainment. My goal is to learn more about the industry and learn how to push for the proper portrayal and representation of women in TV shows and films during this tumultuous time. For this reason, I have scoped out companies that have a similar passion and vision for the industry as I do.

Below are my five learning objectives for my internships this summer:

  • Increasing professional connections in the entertainment industry
  • Learning the process of developing a story from pitch to picture
  • Understanding the planning and funding that is involved in producing a movie/ TV show
  • Developing personal goal of storytelling skills through reading scripts and writing coverage
  • Experiencing office culture and learning to finish projects on a tight schedule

Newcomb College Institute’s mission is to cultivate lifelong leadership among undergraduate women, to empower women, to produce knowledge about women, and to provide a woman-centered experience in a co-ed institution. The two companies I am looking at interning at have a similar focus.

Lost City/MXN Entertainment is a smaller company with only several employees. However, this doesn’t stop them from wanting to create content that makes people think. This means producing work with ideas and themes woven through TV shows and movies that make people think about the current state of America and the inequities that exist.

The other company I am looking to intern at, Anonymous Content, is a larger company that recently partnered with Emerson Collective, the organization led by Laurene Powell Jobs. This partnership focuses on driving forth a commitment to producing high-quality content that entertains, inspires, and highlights issues of social justice through creating projects that can serve as agents of change.

By interning at Lost City and Anonymous Content this summer I am a woman pushing for women in the industry. I am a woman joining other women fighting for proper representation in both the industry workplace and in the portrayal of women in movies and television shows. I am a storyteller and I am excited to start learning how my stories can help shape the minds of America through content that makes people think, bringing to light the inequality faced by women and minorities across the world. I hope to prepare for these internships by reading and staying in touch with current events in the industry as well as networking with friends already working in the industry this summer. I can’t wait to start my journey!


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