I’m incredibly energized to announce that my contributions should be live on the Title IX Tulane website…. soon. It’s a little disappointing to look over my summer and not be able to leave with a tangible product to show off to my friends and family, but I am optimistic because Meredith will be meeting with individuals with control over the website and will hopefully be able to put it up soon. This will include the “Resources and Information Clickthrough” I talked about in the first blog post, the “LGBTQ+ Resources page” after it goes through one more round of edits from Julia and Meredith, a “Common Terms and Definitions Page” and an “FAQ Page”. The FAQ page is going to be delayed, as I am still currently working on it at my own pace after my internship (which is getting delayed even further as I prepare for move in day and the beginning of school).
One very tangible project that all of the interns helped Meredith with was creating a video for new student orientation. This ~5 minute video explains how important sexual violence is to this campus and stresses the need for every student to care and speak up to help end sexual violence. It is short, to the point, shares some of the climate survey data but the most important aspect is the call to action. Since all of us interns are students themselves, we helped edit the script to make it relatable and serious without being too heavy for students that they check out completely. It’s in the editing process right now and I look forward to seeing the results next week at orientation!
Unlike many of my NCI peers, I have the privilege of remaining in close proximity with my supervisor and I have offered to help out on new projects that Meredith needs support with in the upcoming year. My first task is to finish the FAQ page, and in the next few weeks Meredith and Julia will have a script walking students through the conduct process. They plan to record a series of videos with “what to expect” and “how to report” and “what happens next” with everything conduct related. Students will act in these videos so it’s more relatable to individuals who may find these videos. I look forward to these projects and anything else I’m able to support in the upcoming year! This was a tremendous opportunity and I feel very accomplished at the end of this summer.