Sequencing Suzanne- Signing Off

Another goodbye to Boston. * sigh * It was an absolutely wonderful summer made even better by my lab mates. I was able to accomplish most of my goals this summer, including strengthening my understanding of DNA sequencing, practicing new protocols, and speaking with Dr. Hillary Eaton at the Office of Research and Technology Ventures about creating a career with science and economics backgrounds.

Working for CCGD has helped me confirm my choice to work in the health sector; however, I am still undecided in what capacity. It was helpful to listen to the ambitions of my fellow lab mates and how they planned to use their backgrounds as laboratory technicians in their future careers. Some were applying to Ph.D. programs and medical school, while others were hoping to move up in the non-profit sector or enter the industry. I have spent most of my time at Tulane trying to explore many options and many fields without focusing on anything specific. Working with such driven individuals has shown me the value of choosing one path and one goal and using all of one’s energy to move towards it. The reward for finally accomplishing a dream can only come when one realizes what that dream actually is.


I could write a book on everything I learned while at CCGD, but as no one really likes to skim over cliché advice, I’ll condense my novel to a few of my favorite survival schemes:

  • Ask as many questions as possible and volunteer for every task, no matter how menial. Every bit of effort contributes to the functionality of the lab. Even defrosting freezers taught me a thing or two about the DNA I was organizing.
  • Scientists are humans too. They value eager learners and hard workers. They are always there to offer wisdom, advice, and help carrying sequencing kits and samples up and down four floors.
  • Embrace feeling uncomfortable with a task; it means you are about to learn something new.
  • Be nice to the administrators; they determine how smoothly your day will flow.
  • The best teachers come in the most unlikely places and are the ones that answer the questions you didn’t even thing of asking.
  • At any age, there is nothing more uplifting than someone asking you to sit with them at lunch on your first day; pay it forward whenever possible.
  • Don’t hold dry ice with your bare hands.



Thank you CCGD for two fantastic summers and for teaching me so much about life, happiness, and the love of a Shaw’s cake in the middle of the week.

Until next time,


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