Reflecting on my time at theWELL

Last week, I flew home to Chicago from New Orleans to attend a family reunion. Over the span of a few days I had many relatives and family friends approach me to ask what I’m doing with my summer and what my plans are for a year from now, once I have finished my undergraduate degree. As my senior year looms in front of me, I’ve been asking myself this question too. What do I want to do once I graduate and how do I want to continue the work I’m doing now?

In addition to all the work I have been doing at my internship, this summer has been filled with research on possible career paths and graduate programs. I’ve always wanted to go into the medical field, and am strongly considering becoming a doctor or nurse practitioner. However, my time at theWELL over the last few years and this summer has shown me how to apply all the public health knowledge I’ve learned in my classes here at Tulane. I’ve always known public health efforts are integral to creating healthy communities, but my internship at theWELL has allowed me to see first hand how public health advocacy and service provision can positively impact a community. Through my time with the Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Committee and at Tulane’s Alcohol Summit, I feel that my work even just as a student worker has helped move Tulane toward a healthier and more positive campus culture. It’s been very rewarding to participate in these conversations and movements.

As I look towards my future, I am still unsure of what exact career and higher education path I will take. However, I know that I will do my best to continue utilizing the skills I have developed during my time with theWELL, integrating health education and advocacy into whatever work I do.

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