Prepping for a Summer in the Swamp

Hi everyone! My name is Helen Susman and I’m currently a junior at Tulane majoring in International Relations and French with a minor in Russia. I’ve always been super interested in politics, in particular the policy side of things, which is why I was so excited when I got the offer to work in Washington D.C. this summer for Senator Elizabeth Warren. Last summer, I interned with a super PAC called EMILY’s List that worked to elect pro-choice Democratic women and had an incredible time and learned so much, I can’t wait to go back this summer!

Elizabeth Warren is a United States Democratic Senator from Massachusetts who is running as an incumbent candidate in the 2018 election. I’m going to be interning on Senator Warren’s campaign research team. I am looking forward to everything about this internship. In the future, I want to run for congress, so I’m most excited to learn about how campaigns are run and to be better versed in the “behind the scenes” process. Further, I can’t wait to be in a politically fueled city like Washington D.C., there is absolutely no better place to be if you want to be involved in politics.

I’ve always looked up to strong, independent and dedicated women who defy gender stereotypes. And, Senator Warren is no exception; she has always been a role model for me as her views align closely with mine. Senator Warren was awarded by the magazine “New Statesman” as among the “Top 20 US Progressives,” and has made strides for accessible healthcare and woman’s rights. It will be an honor to work for her.


My five learning objectives for this summer are:

  1. Gain an understanding of the inter-workings of the political sphere and the processes that occur behind the scenes in the senate.
  2. Grow my network in D.C. and meet with people who may help me professionally in the future and make friends who are interested in similar things as me.
  3. Manage my finances and budget properly while working as an unpaid intern full-time.
  4. Go above and beyond my expected tasks such as working late or asking for additional work if I have already completed what is asked of me. I want to make my bosses proud and have them be happy to refer me in the future.
  5. Stay updated on current events throughout my time in D.C. and become more familiar with domestic and international policy and legislature.

I hope that throughout the summer I am able to achieve and build off these learning objectives in order to make the most of my D.C. internship experience.

Senator Warren’s values inevitably align with NCI’s mission. Similarly to the Newcomb College Institute, Senator Warren works to empower and cultivate leadership among woman. I was introduced to Senator Warren and her campaign during my time interning at EMILY’s List, as she is a pro-choice Democratic woman who was endorsed by EMILY’s List. People like Elizabeth Warren (and hopefully me one day) drive much needed change in the United States and inseminate positive social progress. I believe that interning for her will allow me to embrace both my future goals and the goals of NCI.

In preparation for my internship, I am doing a ton of Washington D.C. house hunting… which is so much harder than you’d think. Finding a conveniently located and not terribly expensive place to live in D.C. is nearly impossible. But, something always works out! I have also been closely following politics and everything that is happe

ning in D.C., especially in terms of new legislature. I want to make sure I am well versed and have a complete working knowledge of candidates running for congress as well as the variety of issues that are being run on. I have enjoyed doing tons of research on Elizabeth Warren, she is so amazing and it has been fun to watch interviews with her on Jimmy Kimmel or CNN. Every time I learn more about her I get more excited to be working for her this summer.

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