Second Week Sex Crimes!

Hi guys!

It’s crazy that some people are already halfway through their internships but I just finished my second week! I am loving my second summer in the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Sex Crimes Division! The Sex Crimes Division handles sex crimes in the Los Angeles area, which range in severity. It is my second summer in this office, but I originally found this job because I was working in the Major Crimes Division of the DA’s Office. I was required to do a law clerk training that was taught by my current boss. I loved how energetic and passionate she was about her work, so I approached her after the training and asked for an interview to intern for her the following summer. Approaching a potential boss in that way was definitely out of my comfort zone, but I wanted to work in this office so badly that I knew I would regret not saying something. My boss loved that I took the initiative to talk to her, so pushing myself was completely worth it.

It is a very busy time for sex crimes in LA because of the Me Too movement and a major sex crimes case involving a gynecologist who worked at the University of Southern California student health center. My work in the office mostly involves screening potential cases, writing opening and closing memorandums, and organizing case files. The interns are also encouraged to watch cases in action. One my favorite parts of working in this office is that there is always an interesting trial going on so there is always something to do. The Criminal Courts Building is right across the street and has housed the majority of historic cases to come out of Los Angeles, including the OJ Simpson trial.

Last week there was some tension in the office because June LSAT scores came out on Friday and several of the interns (myself included) were anxiously awaiting the scores. The interns range in age and year in school, so some are planning on applying to law school, some are in the process of applying, and some are already law students. I am in the group that is in the middle of the application process, but I am so relieved that the LSAT is over and that I will not have to take it again. The younger interns are fascinated by the application process, and those already in law school feel our pain. Luckily we lightened the mood with an intern potluck last Wednesday!

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