The End or a New Beginning?


After recently concluding my experience as an intern for Admitad India, I feel absolutely overwhelmed with a new-found motivation. In the time that I spent working, I learned invaluable skills that have had an enormous impact on my self-perception as an individual in the professional industry.

My expectations going into this internship were to gain experience in the mechanics of being a marketing industrialist but I gained so much more insight into my own beliefs, perceptions and interests. In the initial stages, I was assigned to work with the advertisers’ team and although I continued to work with them until the end of my time there, I spent most of time engaging with the public relations team. Working continuously on various writing and immediate problem-solving assignments made me realize my potential and interest in working on creative projects. This has further facilitated a process of career assessment for me and I know for a fact that after I graduate, I would like to work in an environment that allows me to nurture and grow my creative abilities.

Aside from professional experience, the biggest thing I have taken away from my internship is the confidence to be assertive in my interaction with others. At Admitad I have learned to let down my inhibitions when I’m trying to explore my work. As a young woman in the workplace, I was extremely hesitant to ask for help from my colleagues, but during check-ins with my supervisor, she would always encourage me to have faith in my abilities. She allowed me to work on a few intense projects in various departments so I could be comfortable being around different kinds of people. As a result I am now more communicative of my questions, concerns and requirements.

This year, I will be working as the Vice President of Public Relations for the School of Liberal Arts as part of the Undergraduate Student Government. I hope to use my new skills in my new responsibility as the vice president.

At the conclusion of my internship, I met with my supervisor and the CEO of the company, who offered me a job in the Public Relations department after graduation from college! I have a lot of adventures to experience before I graduate, but my internship would be very tough to beat and none of this would have been possible without the generous help from the Newcomb College Institute. I have grown immensely as an individual and I’m always going to cherish this experience.

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