A Summer in the Massachusetts Statehouse

My name is Ella Zimbalist and I just wrapped up my junior year at Tulane. I am a Political Science and Social Policy and Practice major with a minor in Latin American Studies. On Tulane’s campus, I am a part of the Newcomb Scholars Program and I am a Community Engagement Advocate with the Center for Public Service.

This summer I am going to be interning in the Massachusetts Statehouse with Senator Jo Comerford. Comerford was recently elected from my district through a grassroots write-in campaign. She has an impressive track record of advocacy, political engagement, and leadership. I was very inspired by her campaign, and am excited and honored to be able to work for her this summer.

Through this internship, I hope to gain a better understanding of how policy is made and how state politics work. My learning objectives for this internship are:


  1. learning how the government works,
  2. learn how legislation is created,
  3. learn about issues around health care, housing and education in Massachusetts,
  4. gain an understanding of constituent representation and relations, and
  5. learn about issues that are important to constituents.

This internship relates to the NCI mission of educating undergraduates for women’s leadership in a number of ways. First, Senator Comerford is an excellent example of what 21st-century female leadership looks like. Her path to leadership and her impressive lifelong commitment to progressive change is admirable and inspiring.

Her grassroots and community-based campaign to me epitomizes the type of leadership we need. I have a lot to learn about what leadership looks like from women like Senator Comerford. Second, as someone who studies political science and has an interest in government and policymaking, I will gain first-hand insight and experience in these fields. I think that through this internship I will gain, understanding, knowledge, and connections that will inform my future work in the field.

The internship will be 10 weeks starting on June 3rd. In preparation, I have been following the recent work of the senator and am planning on attending some local political events regarding school funding to gain a better understanding of some of the most pressing current issues. I am looking forward to starting the internship, and very grateful to NCI for the funding that is making it possible!