A Summer with Southeast Louisiana Legal Services

Hello! My name is Byria (pronounced like Mariah with a “B”) Hamblin. I am a junior, or now senior, studying political science with a minor in sociology. Outside of school, I work retail, I study for the LSAT, and I intern with Southeast Louisiana Legal Services.

I have been interning at SLLS since August 2018, and, if we’re being honest, I did not think I would stay so long. I still remember being absolutely mortified on my first day, because this was my first legal experience. Working in an office setting rather than a restaurant or a retail shop was going to be quite a shift, but SLLS made it so easy. I genuinely enjoy volunteering with SLLS. The people are always so nice, I always feel like I’ve learned something new after I go in, and I know that my efforts are going towards a mission I am passionate about. It’s one of the most fulfilling experiences I’ve ever had.

SLLS’ mission statement is “We achieve justice through free civil legal aid to low-income people by direct casework, advocacy, and community education.” SLLS is a Legal Services Corporation aiding 22 of Louisiana’s poorest parishes with free civil legal advice and representation in the Southeast region.

Being an LSC, SLLS aids those that fall below 200% of the federal poverty line. This means their client intake is exclusively people who experience extreme financial hardship. This means that many of these clients have recently experienced trauma such as domestic violence, houselessness, or PTSD. Therefore, many of the clients are in crisis-mode and are under immense levels of stress.

Through this experience, I have the opportunity to network with so many altruistic attorneys who are doing critical work for the New Orleans community. I have already befriended so many of them on LinkedIn (Everyone link with me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/byria-hamblin/). I also get to learn how to communicate more professionally and I get to better understand the barriers placed upon vulnerable populations in the Orleans parish community. I feel that this deeper grasp on these issues ultimately makes me a better servant to the city of New Orleans.

Additionally, this experience empowers me by connecting me with so many powerful woman-identifying attorneys in the city. The attorneys and staff have always been so welcoming. Watching them devote their energies to such a noble and demanding career is inspiring.

Their example has already taught me so much about how to be a confident and accomplished lawyer in the future. Creating relationships with powerful women attorneys pushes me to continue to grow professionally. Moreover, these attorneys have shown me that humanitarianism and the legal field can coexist. SLLS continues to show me that there really is a niche for people who want to pursue law but also want to give back to their communities.

I am preparing for this internship by working less at my retail job. Since August 2018, I have also been working retail in Elmwood. I recently put in my resignation from this job to start a new retail job that is right down the road from my internship. This will better allow me to focus my time at my internship instead of my retail career.

At my previous job, I tended to focus too much of my time there rather than at my internship. I would work 20-25 hours a week in retail while only giving SLLS 5-6 hours a week. I am preparing for this summer by changing the way I prioritize these two roles. My internship is going to come first this summer, which makes me really excited!

I am thrilled to have the opportunity to dedicate myself to what I want to do this summer, instead of overworking myself to pay my bills. My new job will allow me to work fewer hours, and NCI’s grant will make me financially secure enough, that I can truly put SLLS first.

Additionally, I am ecstatic about my new roles at SLLS for the summer. I am going to be helping with intake at Self Help Desks & helping my managing attorney, Elena Perez, with a social security case. Because I will be devoting more of my time at SLLS, I will be able to take on so many new projects. I can’t wait to begin next week!