My Internship with Women with a Vision

My Internship with Women with a Vision

By Jordan Williams

Honestly, before I joined Women with a Vision (WWAV), I had no clue what exactly reproductive justice was, but it sounded like something that is a part of my mission, which is to help people. When I completed my interview at the WWAV office, I was so excited to realize that not only was this a cause that needed to be fought for, but it was also a space that I needed in my life. In that office, I met some of my best friends and learned more than I could have imagined.


I have also developed a love for the community and made connections through my tasks at Women with a Vision. For example, creating TikToks and social media posts to urge people in the New Orleans community to come for free testing and receive harm reduction kits has made me feel more connected. It has helped me recognize and appreciate the larger community outside of Tulane University.


Coming from Chicago, which is an extremely liberal city, I was somewhat unaware of the difficulties many people face in accessing reproductive healthcare in different states. However, after working as an intern with WWAV, I have learned the importance of reproductive healthcare but also witnessed the impacts of not having it. This knowledge has become an essential part of me, and I carry it with me wherever I go.


Currently, I am in São Paulo, Brazil, a country that has a strong anti-abortion stance and limited access to healthcare for a large portion of the population. It is heartbreaking to witness the presence of millions of visibly homeless children, and I often wonder if access to reproductive healthcare including abortions would alter this issue.


WWAV and my experiences have made me more passionate about reproductive justice and urged me to create or think about change anywhere I go. I strongly believe that every person deserves the right to make informed decisions about their own bodies and have access to proper reproductive healthcare. Women With A Vision has shown me that reproductive healthcare and justice are more than attainable if everyone works together.


Lastly, I really want to say thank you to Newcomb Institute for providing me with this opportunity to expand my mind, grow as a person, and, most importantly, find my safe space.