My Internship with the Feminist Majority Foundation

My Internship with the Feminist Majority Foundation

By Janae Dean


This summer, I had the privilege of working with the Feminist Majority Foundation’s National Clinic Access Project. Even though I couldn’t work in the office in person, they gave me the wonderful opportunity to work with them remotely here in New Orleans. As their intern, I mainly worked on tracking and researching anti-abortion groups and extremists, learning about and helping advance federal, state, and local legislative efforts to protect reproductive health care providers, and monitoring anti-abortion violence and harassment.


Prior to starting this internship, I’d always had a passion for advocating for reproductive rights, but I had not experienced working with it hands-on or with other people who cared as deeply as I do about it as much as I did. Before coming to Tulane, I attended a university that didn’t have the same reproductive rights opportunities as this one because their beliefs were more conservative, so it was harder for me to branch out. I was more involved in advocating online and trying to make a change through social media by sharing posts and other things that were related to reproductive rights. But, after the overturn of Roe V. Wade, I started to realize that we have to take a stand for the rights that we deserve and that I want to make an effort to be a part of that stand to make this world a better place. I’ll never forget seeing the email titled “Summer Feminist Internships” and immediately applying when I got the chance. I said to myself “It’s never too late to start and this is where you can begin”.


The supervisors and the other interns were the best to work with. They were very supportive, taught me a lot, and gave me great advice that I’ll use forever. One of my favorite things about the supervisors was that they always checked on us and our mental health. They genuinely cared for us and made us feel safe and comfortable. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of colleagues and for a better summer internship. My professional and personal skills have improved significantly, and I even got the chance to conduct my own research on abortion access for individuals in Louisiana.


Overall, I am so grateful for this opportunity through the Newcomb Institute. I was able to achieve all my goals and learn a lot more about reproductive rights and freedom. Organizations like the Feminist Majority Foundation are doing amazing things, and I hope to continue working with them in the future!