Internship with CONNECT to End Violence

Hi! My name is Nina Harris and I am a rising Junior at Tulane! I am from Martha’s Vineyard Massachusetts and this summer I am thrilled to be interning with Connect to End Violence, an organization forced on domestic and sexual violence prevention. CONNECT works with survivors to provide free legal assistance, emotional support, and direct service to community members. I am excited to give back to the community I grew up in and expand my work with survivors. At Tulane I am a member of SAPHE and I am looking forward to expanding my knowledge about domestic and sexual violence, as well as use what I learn and apply it to my work within SAPHE.
My main objective at CONNECT is to gain a better understanding about the legal side of domestic and sexual violence. I am hoping to go to law school and/or become a social worker in the future and shadowing at the courthouse will be amazing. I also am excited to gain hands on experience that will enhance my professional life. I will have a job as well as this internship so another key objective is being able to execute good time management with my job, internship, social life, and self-care. My last learning objectives are to gain more insight into how to effectively help survivors emotionally as well as practically. I am looking forward to working alongside survivors and being as helpful as possible.
This internship aligns nicely with NCI’s mission through the “empowerment model” CONNECT uses to empower survivors, specifically women. The empowerment model’s strength-based approach provides education and resources that promote well-being and safety, and CONNECT works to empower survivors to educate themselves and find safety. By alerting survivors of options available to them, CONNECT gives them the opportunity to reclaim their freedom. Another important aspect of CONNECT that directly relates to NCI’s mission is providing knowledge to and about women, specifically knowledge about resources available to them on the island. CONNECT provides free and confidential services, a 24/7 hotline, court and medical advocacy, counseling, and informational programs. CONNECT is an organization that strives to produce meaningful change in the community, and does so by raising awareness and making resources available to survivors.
I am preparing for CONNECT by getting settled in at home, finalizing my summer schedule, and taking care of personal matters before I get swamped in the summer. I have also communicated with my supervisor and am excited to start intensive training in a couple weeks.
I am so happy I have the chance to intern for CONNECT to End Violence and I am so grateful for NCI’s support. 🙂

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